Pure & Simple: Types of Water Filter Systems for Your Home

Ensuring the purity of our water supply is critical but, with so many great water filtration systems available nowadays, finding an ideal solution for your home can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the essentials of water filtration systems, from understanding their benefits to exploring the different types available. Whether you’re just seeking cleaner drinking water or aiming to improve the quality of water throughout your household, we’ve got you covered. Read on to discover all the key information you need to make an informed decision about your water filtration needs.

What Are Water Filtration Systems?

Water filtration systems are designed to eliminate undesirable impurities from your water supply, such as sediment, taste and odour, hardness and bacteria, thereby enhancing water quality. Whether you’re aiming to produce better-tasting drinking water or addressing specialised needs like brewing coffee or creating crystal-clear ice, a diverse array of filters and cartridges are available to tackle various water-related concerns.

Benefits of Installing a Water Filter

Investing in a house water filter system can bring a myriad of benefits, not just for your health but also for your overall well-being and the environment. Here are just some of the reasons why installing a water filtration system is a wise choice:

Improved Water Quality

Water filters effectively remove impurities, such as chlorine, lead, bacteria and sediment, from tap water. This leads to cleaner, safer water for drinking, cooking, and even bathing. By ensuring your water is free from contaminants, you can safeguard your family’s health and well-being.

Cost Savings

While purchasing bottled water might seem convenient, it can quickly add up in terms of cost. Installing a water filter provides a more sustainable and cost-effective solution in the long run. You’ll save money by eliminating the need to buy bottled water while also reducing your environmental footprint by minimising plastic waste.


As established above, opting for filtered water over bottled water helps reduce plastic waste and carbon emissions associated with the production and transportation of bottled beverages. By choosing filtered tap water, you're making a positive impact on the environment by reducing single-use plastic consumption.


Having easy access to filtered water at home means you no longer need to rely on store-bought bottled water or cumbersome water jugs. With a water filtration system installed, you can enjoy clean and great-tasting water straight from your tap, saving you time and effort.

Health Benefits

Filtered water not only tastes better but also promotes better hydration. By removing contaminants and chemicals, water filters ensure that you’re consuming water that is free from harmful substances, thus supporting your overall health and vitality.

Protects Plumbing and Appliances

Filtered water is also gentler on plumbing fixtures and appliances, as it helps prevent the buildup of limescale and sediment. By extending the lifespan of your household plumbing and appliances, a water filtration system can save you money on maintenance and repairs in the long run.

The Different Types of Filters

There are five primary types of water filtration, each of which is tailored to specific applications and the substances needing to be removed or controlled. They are:

  • Mechanical
  • Absorption
  • Sequestration
  • Ion Exchange
  • Reverse Osmosis

Each method targets distinct water issues, often employing a blend of techniques to achieve comprehensive filtration.

How Do They Work?

Even water that has been treated and deemed safe often carries unpleasant tastes and odours due to disinfectants like chlorine. Depending on where in the UK you live, tap water may also contribute to limescale buildup, potentially causing pipe blockages and appliance damage.

Luckily, these common concerns can be tackled by filtration systems. Let’s take a look at how each type operates:


Mechanical filtration functions on the principle of physically extracting sediment, dirt, or particles from water through a barrier. Ranging from basic meshes to intricate ceramic structures, mechanical filters vary in complexity to achieve filtration of various contaminants. Filters employing mechanical filtration  techniques are typically categorised by their micron rating, indicating their efficacy in removing particles of specific sizes.


Absorption filtration primarily uses carbon, which is renowned for its capacity to capture waterborne impurities. The extensive internal surface area of carbon contains numerous crevices ideal for trapping contaminants like chlorine.

Most household filters utilise granular activated carbon (GAC) to diminish unwanted tastes and odours. Higher-end options employ carbon block elements for enhanced effectiveness, often accompanied by a micron rating for particle removal.


Sequestration entails chemically isolating substances to mitigate their impact. Polyphosphate, commonly utilised in scale-inhibiting filters, sequesters minerals responsible for limescale and corrosion, like calcium and magnesium.

However, sequestration merely inhibits scale formation without altering water hardness. For applications requiring softened water, ion exchange processes are typically recommended.

Ion Exchange

Ion exchange is employed to soften hard water by substituting magnesium and calcium ions with alternative ions like sodium or hydrogen ions. This process physically removes minerals, reducing limescale and rendering water suitable for applications involving elevated temperatures, such as commercial coffee preparation.

Ion exchange typically employs resin beads, which require periodic recharging in water softeners. Unlike sodium-based resins used in softening systems, hydrogen-based resins are preferred for drinking water filters due to regulatory sodium limits.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis (RO) entails the removal of dissolved inorganic solids from water by forcing it through a semipermeable membrane under pressure. This process yields highly purified water by leaving contaminants behind.

While RO systems are effective, their multi-stage setup, which often includes mechanical and absorption filtration, can increase costs. Nevertheless, for applications demanding exceptionally pure water, such as coffee brewing, RO stands as the pinnacle of filtration technology.

Best Locations to Install a Filter

Water filtration systems are versatile and can be installed in various areas of your home to address specific needs. Here’s a breakdown of where these systems can make a real difference and the types that work best in each space:


The kitchen is often the hub of water usage in the home, from drinking and cooking to washing food and dishes. Installing a water filter in the kitchen ensures that the water used for consumption and food preparation is clean and free from contaminants. Under-sink filter systems or faucet-mounted filters are popular choices for kitchen-use. These systems are usually easy to install and provide on-demand access to filtered water directly from the tap.


While the primary concern in the bathroom might not be drinking water, filtered water can still offer benefits for personal hygiene, hair care, and skincare. A water filter in the bathroom can improve the quality of water for showering, bathing, and even brushing your teeth, reducing exposure to chlorine and other chemicals. Shower head filters or whole-house filtration systems are suitable options for the bathroom. Shower head filters are particularly easy to install and can remove chlorine and sediment from the water, promoting healthier skin and hair.


For outdoor use, such as watering plants and gardening, filtered water can help ensure the health and vitality of your greenery. Unfiltered tap water may contain chemicals and impurities that can harm plants over time. Garden hose filters or outdoor water filter systems are ideal for this purpose. These filters attach to standard garden hoses and effectively remove contaminants, providing clean water for outdoor use without compromising plant health.

By strategically installing water filter systems in various areas of your home - or by opting for a whole-house filtration system - you can enjoy clean, filtered water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and outdoor use, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

High-Quality Filtration Systems from Hommix

Are you tired of compromising on the quality of your water? Look no further than Hommix for your perfect water filtration solution. With our extensive range of water filtration systems, enjoying crystal-clear, purified water in the comfort of your home has never been easier. From cutting-edge reverse osmosis units to sleek under-sink filters, we have everything you need to ensure your water supply is at its very best.

Upgrade your home today with our premium water filter systems. Ready to make the switch? Explore our range of water filtration systems now and experience the Hommix difference for yourself. Alternatively, for further information and expert advice, get in touch with us today - our team of experts is here to help.