Could UK Face Water Shortages This Summer?

The warm midsummer weather may have been very pleasant for many and most will be hoping it continues. However, while lots of sunshine will be good news for Wimbledon and even more so for the cricket, music festivals and other events that can’t be staged under a giant retractable roof, some might be concerned about the lasting effects of hot weather.

Older folk with long memories might recall drought years like 1976 and 1984 and, while nobody is currently predicting anything like that, there may certainly be a need to conserve water. This is even true in the north, where it normally rains more, with Yorkshire Water issuing a series of water-saving tips.

As the Halifax Courier reports, the company is concerned about the possibility of excessive water use. Water efficiency manager at Yorkshire Water Emma Rattigan said: “Although it hasn’t always been hot, the last few months have been particularly dry - we’ve only seen around two thirds of the rain we would usually expect.“

Of course, nobody can make it rain, but one thing everyone can do is improve the quality of their water. A mains water filter can ensure the water you use is as soft and pure as possible, which means you can make the most of whatever you are using, whether to drink, cook, wash or even leisure uses like filling a kid’s paddling pool in the garden.

The sources of water do vary across the country. In the north and west, hilly terrain gets more rainfall and provides catchment areas for reservoirs. Flatter areas do not have this benefit. However, it is not all about groundwater there; indeed, the midlands and the area west of London have some of the greatest levels of groundwater extraction. Rivers can be used to supplement this.

Overall, the south does get harder water than the north. But wherever you live, using a good household water filter can ensure you have the purest supply possible both during the hot summer and when it is raining and snowing in the winter.