Benefits Of Countertop Water Filters

After deciding to opt for a water filter, you are still left with having to choose between countertop water filters and under-sink ones. To help you with your choice, we’ve put together some of the advantages of countertop water filters. 

First, it is important to know what the difference is. Countertop water filters sit on the worktop, instead of being hidden away underneath it. 

While some people might find this set-up cumbersome, one of the biggest bonuses of this is no plumbing is necessary for it to operate. Simply attach the filter tube to the kitchen tap and it will work. 

Homeowners also do not require an extra tap and they do not use up valuable space in the cupboard below the sink, which could be limited for those who live in small homes. 

Another advantage is it is easily moveable, so those who live in rented accommodation or are planning to move within the next few years can easily detach the device and bring it with them to their new residence. 

They are easy to maintain, as well as being portable, which is good for people with busy lifestyles. 

In terms of functionality, the water temperature reaches 85-90 degrees C (so perfect for brewing and real coffee). Cold and chilled water is also possible, as is sparkling water and even ice, so you can tailor your beverages to suit. You’re also able to remove the kettle or water chiller to help save space if required.

What’s more, the filter is still effective at removing contaminants found in tap water, including nitrates, bacteria, organic compounds, heavy metals, sodium, dissolved solids, and radionuclides. 

While no filter is able to remove all contaminants entirely, it does a good job at filtering them out for its price and convenience. 

If you’re searching for a countertop RO water filtration system, take a look at our products to see if they’re well suited to you.